OnCue Plus

adminGeneral News, Kohler Generators

What is OnCue Plus?

We check our bank accounts, order lunch, and see who’s at our front door all from our smart phone. But did you know you can keep tabs on your KOHLER® standby generator from your phone or tablet? You can! With the KOHLER OnCue® Plus Generator Management System, you can check the status of your generator, start or stop an exercise, … Read More

Benefits of a Whole Home Generator

adminBenefits of Home Generators, Kohler Generators

Benefits of a Whole-Home Generator

Lets talk about the benefits of a whole home generator. Think about what you would do if you lost power in your house for an extended period of time? You would have no lights, no appliances, the food in your refrigerator would be spoiled, and you can say goodbye to your electronics. Needless to say, power outages can cause extreme … Read More